Monday, July 5, 2010

Meet me at the Cross

I remember my first trip to Disney World. My family was traveling for the first time on the tram. My dad told us to look down and point out the castle. If we ever got lost we were to meet at the castle. We all felt safe in this big new exciting place as we were able to explore and see a new world knowing how to get back home.
Years my brother got his driver's license he checked my sister and I out of elementary school to explore Manhattan, NY. We took the ferry across the harbor. My brother would point to the twin towers and tell us, if we ever got lost take the A C E train to the towers and we will meet. We all felt safe getting home in time before we were caught knowing we had a plan to get back home.
Tonight I took my 3 boys to a festival here in town. I showed them stage where to meet if we ever got split up. We were all doing good staying together until the last 45 min. of the event. My middle child walked off (not sure where or why). I checked our meeting point and no son. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. I was so happy to see officers and volunteers. It was when one officer notified another officer across the field that my son was sitting under the first aide station with several other officers. My son explained that they would not let him on the stage but a nice lady led him to another safe meeting place. Once I had all 3 children back in my care we were all able to enjoy the festival. Later that same night we grabbed a bite to eat and again he left my sight. I grabbed him back and hoped to get the message across... stay together you could get hurt!
God has a wonderful family and he wants all his children to have a meeting place in case one gets lost. So many times we feel like we are walking close with God then something distracts us and we realize we are not with God or close to His family. God grabs us getting our attention and says meet me at the cross.
In my life time I have had several meeting places (park bench, a castle, twin towers, coke sign, letter in the parking lot). Like my son's case and the twin towers these meeting places are not always going to last and be available to catch up. Jesus is always available and Jesus is always trying to get our attention: my child stay close, stay together or will get hurt. Come to the cross and I'll meet you- my child.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

In God's Tool Box

Have you ever taken the time to fix something? Maybe a bike, the breaks on the car, or a dorm room organizer. I think we have all taken the time and effort to fix something at one time. Why do we put time and energy into fixing these things? What is the value of this object? Obviously these things that we fix are worth our time and energy. If not then they are not important to us and we find no need for them.
As I was cleaning the college campus and reflecting on overall life. I was thinking of the lessons I learned in identity, what it means to humble yourself, and praising God by doing everything as working for God and not men. I stopped what I was doing and took a short break. I realized I was back on one of God's molding tools again. God is taking out for me. God is using his time and his energy to fix me and remind me how valuable I am to Him. He is taking time out to mold me, shape me, and better use me for work. Even though it is not fun being picked up and molded I praise God that he is using his time and energy on something valuable.