Thursday, July 1, 2010

In God's Tool Box

Have you ever taken the time to fix something? Maybe a bike, the breaks on the car, or a dorm room organizer. I think we have all taken the time and effort to fix something at one time. Why do we put time and energy into fixing these things? What is the value of this object? Obviously these things that we fix are worth our time and energy. If not then they are not important to us and we find no need for them.
As I was cleaning the college campus and reflecting on overall life. I was thinking of the lessons I learned in identity, what it means to humble yourself, and praising God by doing everything as working for God and not men. I stopped what I was doing and took a short break. I realized I was back on one of God's molding tools again. God is taking out for me. God is using his time and his energy to fix me and remind me how valuable I am to Him. He is taking time out to mold me, shape me, and better use me for work. Even though it is not fun being picked up and molded I praise God that he is using his time and energy on something valuable.

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